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Water Ripples


Thermal High-Level Disinfection

Reprocessing reusable devices is a safe, money saving alternative to procuring, purchasing, storing and discarding disposable equipment.


The 610 is an FDA cleared, digitally controlled processing system​ for semi-critical medical devices. The 610 automatically cleans and high-level disinfects your reusable plastic devices using thermal immersion.  Reprocessing and re-use of medical devices is a sustainable practice which supports a large reduction in waste and delivers a high capital ROI.  Digital control is the gold standard for reprocessing in thermal systems, including steam sterilization.



Thermal High Level Disinfection (THLD) process kills all bacteria, viruses and fungi. THLD is a trustworthy process that is FDA-cleared for HLD for semi-critical devices. Process is effective and appropriate for many respiratory care devices.



Thermal process has no toxic byproducts. Reprocessing decreases reliance on plastic devices produced and shipped from overseas, while minimizing waste disposal and use of extractive technologies to create single use products.

Better Patient

Care Options

Sleep labs can provide a variety of mask options for CPAP patients at low per-test cost. Optimal fit improves compliance, potentially improving their clinical outcomes.

Improved Operations and

Supply Management

Automated process increases consistency, efficiency and assurance that devices are ready for next patient use. Control of inventory maximizes device availability while decreasing labor to order, store and discard disposable plastic devices. 



FDA 510(k) cleared automated cleaning process uses effective and safe detergent to remove soil and debris before disinfection


FDA 510(k) cleared high-level disinfection process uses only hot water to render reusable devices ready for next patient


Extra-large capacity supports batch processing of all equipment used in a shift


Hard copy and digital documentation help you meet accreditation requirements for proof of completion


Cleaning/disinfection process by-products are diluted sodium hypochlorite (bleach) and water

Intuitive User Interface

This touch-activated control pad allows users to set the temperature, monitor cycle status and create customized options. The adjacent printer provides hard copy proof of successful cycle completion.


You deserve to have the fastest, easiest, most reliable equipment available:


Our Mission



Next Generation Drying Technology


Classic Drying Technology


Lumen Drying


Thermal High-Level Disinfection​

Service & Maintenance Plans for Dryers


Service & Maintenance Plans for Washers



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